As Christians, we are called to take part in our faith more than just Mass on Sunday. Further, Our Lord doesn't ask us to take the journey to heaven alone, rather, He desires us to be in the company of others. Ministries simply allow us to know, love, and serve the Lord in new ways in the companionship of others!
Greeting people as they come to Mass, helping them find their seat, hosting the welcome table or serving donuts and coffee after Mass, that's all possible thanks to the people that volunteers to make sure St. Mary Magdalene remains the warm and inviting Church that we all love.
Sign up on the sign up clipboard by the kitchen window. Inside the clipboard contains all the directions you will need to host Coffee & Donuts after the 9:00am or 11:00am Sunday Mass. Thank you for volunteering!
Please talk to an usher after Mass about how you can volunteer.
Help people find their seats, accommodate visitors with special needs (wheelchairs, hearing aids...), count Mass attendance and manage the flow of people in and out of the Church. They also take up collection, help the flow of communion, and prepare the pews and church for the next Mass. Highschool students are welcome to be Ushers.
Please email the Usher Coordinator, Tim Newton at [email protected]
Very close to our hearts here, the St Mary Magdalene Food Pantry is run by a wonderful group of volunteers that can always use an extra pair of hands (or two!) on Wedesnday Mornings from 9:30am-11:30am.The SMM Food Pantry operates every Wednesday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am and is one of the few pantries in the area that provides a meal in addition to providing food supplies. Each week, about twenty parishioners are involved in interviewing and registering qualified clients, preparing meals in the kitchen, and retrieving, organizing, packaging and distributing food supplies to our clients.
The Food Pantry purchases food supplies from the East Texas Food Bank and typically serves between 40 to 80 families per week at a cost of $500 to $1000.
Consider donating your time or money to help with this ministry.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas® strive to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a non-profit organization historically referred to as an Order. They are more commonly known as CDA, which began in 1903 by the Knights of Columbus.
For more information on meetings and joining please reach out to
Consider joining the Mom's Circle Ministry at our Parish! Helping provid a place for Moms to form a community of faith within our parish. Find out more HERE
Adult Faith Formation is simply the continual commitment by adult Catholics to strengthen their discipleship in Jesus Christ through ongoing catechesis, prayer, sacrament, and service.
Whatever season you are in, we have a group for you!
And if we don't, we can help you start one :D